1. Uvod – predstavim sebe

“Welcome everybody, my name is [your name] and I am the designer for GPLZ Video.”
“Hi, I’m [vaše ime] and I’m the designer for GPLZ Video.”
“Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen, I’m [vaše ime].”
“Hi everyone, I’m [vaše ime]. I’m going to keep this brief, as I know you’re all busy people. I’m going to make this quick for you…”

2. Uvod v temo

“Today I’m here to talk to you about…”
“I’m delighted to be here today to tell you about…”
“Today I would like to outline our plans for…”

“Firstly I’ll talk about…” or “I’ll start with some general information on…”
“Then I will look at…” or “then we’ll go over…”
“And finally we’ll look at…” or “ To conclude we’ll touch on…”
“I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have at the end of this presentation.”

3. Zaključek predstavitve

“Well, that brings me to the end of my presentation, thanks so much for listening.”
“It was a real pleasure being here today. Goodbye and thank you.”
“Well that’s it from me. Thanks a lot.”

Želiš osvežiti svoje znanje angleščine?
Naroči si Angleščina mim grede 2 ali 3 po ekskluzivni ceni 19,90 eur za 4-urni program – namesto 57 eur. 🙂 Cena velja le do tega četrtka, 18. junija oz. za prvih 15 nakupov – kar pride hitreje:)